Case Study: Infographic Project
Background Information:
Our next major project is designing an infographic on the impact social media has on small businesses. Social media has changed drastically throughout the years and now, it’s easier than ever to discover new businesses in your feed. Not every upcoming business follows the trend of joining social media, but the majority of them do and studies show that is what makes them more successful. According to several articles, social media ads are more relevant than TV commercials due to the benefits of streaming and being able to fast forward commercials. Every business whether new and upcoming or current and rebranded, will reach success through social media if their posts are engaging and they’re suited to their audience.
Section 1: About the Client
The client is a social media marketer, who wanted to get an idea of small business interaction on social media. Our client wanted information such as percentages of businesses gaining consumer traffic through social media and how many users typically stop at ads on social media.
Section 2: Their Challenge
The challenge small businesses are facing is not being up to date with the latest social media improvements. They are an upcoming business, but they don’t advertise well. These businesses mostly rely on signage and TV/radio commercials, rather than social apps such as Facebook and Instagram. Many statistics show the impact of ads on social media are more effective than any other brand advertisements.
Section 3: Solution
Our team’s mission is to have our infographic seen by small businesses everywhere and we hope to inspire them to build connections by joining social media. We support our small businesses and any other business out there looking to rebrand and broaden their target audience. We have already begun the research and development process for our infographic, and we have a couple sketches of the layout we are planning to use:

The Final Product

Our finished infographic presents statistics and evidence based upon research our team conducted on brand interaction throughout social media. We made sure to highlight key statistics our team of designers knew would catch the attention of upcoming brands. Our mission was to encourage small businesses to join social media in order to gain a broader audience. The methods listed are the ones we found to be highly effective while conducting research through different social media platforms. As a design company, we want to be there for all brands and if we can, provide them ALL with the opportunity to GROW as large as their competitors. We hope our infographic reaches the likes of many small brands and helps guide them along their road to success.